Our conference packages
Your conference in The Midtown
The success of an event depends not only on the right conference room. Food plays an equally important role. Good food means satisfied guests, shared enjoyment promotes team building.
Reason enough to offer four individual conference packages for different occasions and tastes. Whether a small snack, a varied buffet or vegetarian delicacies – our offers always provide you with the necessary energy.
5th Avenue
82,00 € per person · full day
fFrom 10 persons
City Lights
62,00 € per person · full day
from 10 persons
52,00 € per person · 1/2 Day · 4 h
5 – 15 persons
Fresh Start
€ 73.00 per person – full day
from 10 persons – valid till 31.03.25
combined with professional service and delicious catering. Enjoy the difference!
Welcome: Coffee, tea
Coffee break in the morning: Bircher muesli, smoothies
Lunch: E.g: Beet and feta salad, pasta with radicchio and tomatoes, orange quark for dessert
Afternoon coffee break: vegetable sticks with herb quark
Drinks: Soft drinks, coffee and tea
Technology: Standard package, projector, projector table, 2 pin boards
Room rental: Included all day
Individual – stylish – personal!
Our locations offer you and your guests an inspiring ambience for events of different kinds.